Our services are characterized by a combination of digital learning technologies, new pedagogies and strong educational research. Everything we do is a mix this, including the work we do together with partner organizations, educational researchers and professional educators.
LearnLab is a free learning tool without any restrictions for creating content for personal use which you can choose to share. In addition to this, LearnLab offers specially designed content packages for 21th Century Learning as a part of a license agreement for schools and municipalities. The license give the school and/or municipality access to an exclusive network where they get formative assessment data on each student based on their engagement and quality of production. For Norwegian schools and municipalities, read more here.
DLS is a network consisting of municipalities and schools from Nordic countries that want to share knowledge and experience on building more capacity for deeper learning among educational leaders, teachers and students. LearnLab provide the participating organization with high-quality digital tools that are designed to stimulate deeper learning processes. How will students experience deeper learning, with and without digital tools, if not educators also experience deeper learning, with and without digital tools, in their professional learning? This is a guiding question in DLS, where participating organizations together with world-leading researchers will explore and innovate specific approaches to design and facilitate deeper learning processes. This question also suggests that the principle of modelling is key for successful deeper learning. Educators need specific methods and tools to build capacity to model the kind of learning they want more of in their students. Here are some of the researchers DLS participants have received academic feedback from: Knut Roald, Kjell B. Hjertø, Louise Stoll, Andy Hargreaves, Viviane Robinson, Michael Fullan, Lorna Earl, and Jan Merok Paulsen. For Norwegian schools and municipalities, read more here.
Measuring what matters beyond mere academic achievements is the goal when we develop surveys, engines for statistical analysis or evaluate educational strategies. It is a paradox that educators on one hand need less data, due to the immense challenges of using current data sets to challenge their pedagogic thinking. Many educators feel that too much data – more than they are able to use for professional learning purposes – is being collected already. On the other hand, the data that is being collected today usually measures those aspects of learning that are easiest to quantify, like literacy or numeracy.
If educators want to prepare students for the future rather than the past, they should develop their own capacity for deep professional learning, so that they are empowered to model what matters most and facilitate deeper learning among their students. If one is to improve deep learning capacity at both the professional and student level, one need indicators of deep learning. What signs of deep learning should we look for? What questions should we ask the students? How can we use deep learning indicators in ways that facilitate deep learning? This is what LearnLab have specialized in; working with educators in evidence-informed ways to facilitate deeper learning for educational leaders, teachers, and students.
We deliver qualitative and quantitative analysis of educational programs, strategies and projects. The evaluation is seen in societal contexts and based on a combination of understanding of technology, new pedagogies and strong educational research.
The methods we use are:
– Interviews (individual and group)
– Surveys
– Studies of register data
– Observations
We have recently evaluated topics like:
– Strategic allocation of resources in schools
– Student with attainment challenges
– Strategy effects
LearnLab is the co-founder of ARC together with professor Andy Hargreaves. The initial vision of ARC is to establish a global group of educational systems that advances values of equity, excellence, wellbeing, inclusion, democracy, and human rights for all students within high-quality, professionally-run systems. Core skills in literacy, numeracy and problem solving will always be vital. But in a world of economic transformations, growing inequalities, and rapid change, it is also important to broaden and deepen our approach to how we interpret and improve high quality educational systems for all our students. Visit atrico.org for more information.
Each year Team LearnLab give over 100 key notes in English or Norwegian delivered by acknowledged speakers. The topics are pedagogy, technology and deep learning. Examples of titles are: “Create, Share and Engage for Deeper Learning” “Can Technology Contribute to Well-being, Equity and Creativity?” “Technology and Learning in Future Education” “Progressive Education in a Digital World”