Corsi e Programmazione

Lista dei webinars - primavera 2024

Vuoi saperne di più su come utilizzare Learnlab con i tuoi studenti e creare esperienze 
di apprendimento coinvolgenti? 
Partecipa ad uno dei webinar gratuiti!
Organizziamo webinar gratuiti utilizzando gli strumenti di Learnlab.
I webinar durano 45 minuti ed è possibile ricevere ulteriori chiarimenti e dimostrazioni alla fine di ciascuno.

Prossimi eventi

  • October 17th: Assessment with AI as a tool – in a simple and secure way

    Tonje demonstrate how you can assess student work — in any file format, with or without the help of AI. We have developed technology that enables teachers to practice formative assessment, either as students progress with their work or within our planning tool in Mylab.

    In Learnlab, you can also gather feedback after a collective session using Colab and use it as a basis for assessment. A whole new way of thinking about feedback!

    Sign up here

  • November 5th: Everything in one place!

    Tonje provides a basic course on Learnlab’s tools and the possibilities within the platform. It’s a great course for those who want to get started!

    Sign up here

  • December 4th: Effective Assessment Practices with Learnlab

    Kristine shows you how to assess student work — in any file format, with or without the help of AI. We have developed technology that allows teachers to practice formative assessment, either as students progress with their work or within our planning tool, Mylab.

    In Learnlab, you can also gather feedback after a collective session with Colab and use it as a basis for assessment. A completely new way of thinking about feedback!

    Sign up here

  • December 11th: Clear period planning and tips for lesson plans.

    We show you how to easily plan your teaching for the next semester! In Mylab, you can organize annual plans for your grade, collaborate with your colleagues, assign tasks, and use AI to assist with assessment. This is a tool with countless possibilities!

    We also show you how to use the content library to find relevant lesson plans for your subjects and groups. Join us!

    Sign up here

Sei interessato a corsi e formazione sui nostri strumenti digitali?

Grazie alle nuove funzionalità ed alle possibilità offerte dalla nostra piattaforma digitale, riceviamo sempre più richieste di workshop e corsi introduttivi per scuole ed enti didattici. Vogliamo ispirare un insegnamento piu’ coinvolgente e guidare insegnanti e studenti all’uso di Learnlab! Contatta la nostra responsabile clienti, Tone Mari Gurskevik, se vuoi conoscere i nostri educatori digitali questo autunno. Creiamo piani personalizzati ed offriamo corsi e follow-up digitali.

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